Unlock Silky Smooth Cold Brew & Velvety Nitro with Crysalli

What is Cold Brew Coffee?

Cold brew coffee is made by steeping coffee grounds in room temperature or cold water for 12-24 hours. This prolonged brew time extracts the oils and flavors from the beans without exposing them to heat. The result is a smooth, low-acid coffee concentrate that can be served cold or diluted to taste.

Cold brew differs from traditional iced coffee, which is simply hot brewed coffee that has been chilled. With cold brewing, the grounds never come in contact with hot water, creating a less acidic, mellow tasting coffee.

In recent years, cold brew has exploded in popularity, especially among independent and specialty coffee shops. Its growth is driven by consumer demand for low-acid coffees that are gentler on the stomach. The global cold brew coffee market is expected to reach $1.63 billion by 2025. With its smooth, rich taste and health benefits, cold brew has become a staple menu item at coffee shops and a fixture in home kitchens.

Benefits of Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its smooth, naturally sweet taste and other benefits compared to regular hot coffee. The cold brew process results in lower acidity, allowing the sweeter notes to come through. Cold brew also tends to have higher caffeine content compared to hot coffee.

The lower temperature used for cold brew extraction also limits the amount of bitter oils that are extracted from the coffee beans. This allows for a round, mellow flavor profile.

Additionally, cold brew's versatility lends itself to unlimited customization options. It can be enjoyed straight, on ice, or mixed into coffee cocktails. Flavored cold brew concentrates can be created by steeping beans with ingredients like vanilla, cinnamon, or cocoa nibs. Milk, sweeteners, and toppings can also be added to customize the beverage.

Overall, cold brew coffee's naturally sweeter taste, lower acidity, higher caffeine content, and incredible customizability make it an appealing choice for coffee lovers. The smooth cold brew flavors complement both sweet and savory ingredients, making it easy to create personalized drinks.

What is Nitro Cold Brew Coffee?

Nitro coffee is cold brew coffee that has been infused with nitrogen gas to create a creamy, cascading effect. The nitrogen infusion process involves forcing small nitrogen bubbles into cold brew coffee under pressure. This gives nitro coffee a velvety, smooth mouthfeel reminiscent of stout beers.

Unlike traditional cold brew that is served on ice, nitro coffee looks like a stout beer as it cascades and settles in the glass. The nitrogen bubbles give it a foamy, frothy head. The cascading effect occurs due to the difference in density between the nitrogen bubbles and the surrounding liquid.

Nitro coffee has a sweeter, less acidic taste compared to regular cold brew. Nitrogen helps mellow out the flavor by reducing the perception of bitterness and acidity. The result is an ultra-smooth and drinkable cold coffee beverage.

Nitro coffee first became popular in specialty coffee shops but is now available in many cafes thanks to the development of nitro coffee tap systems. These dispensers use nitrogen to infuse batches of cold brew on demand. Customers love the theater of seeing their coffee cascade into the glass.

Benefits of Nitro Coffee

Nitro coffee has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its unique characteristics and benefits. The nitrogen infusion gives nitro coffee a smooth, creamy texture that resembles a stout beer. When dispensed from a tap, nitro coffee cascades and bubbles, providing a visually appealing drink.

Nitrogen also alters the flavor profile, making nitro coffee taste subtly sweeter. The gas masks some of the acidity and bitterness from the coffee, allowing more sweetness to come through. This results in a smooth, almost dessert-like coffee drink. The nitrogen doesn't add actual sweetener, but changes how our tastebuds perceive the flavors.

Overall, the cascading bubbles, velvety texture, and subtly sweeter taste make nitro coffee an indulgent experience. The visual appeal and drinkability of nitro coffee make it an exciting offering for cafes looking to provide unique, picture-worthy beverages. The nitrogen-infusion process elevates black coffee into a sensorial, frothy treat.

Introducing Crysalli Dispensing Equipment

Crysalli is a leading manufacturer of innovative beverage dispensing equipment perfect for serving chilled drinks like cold brew coffee, nitro coffee, tea, artisan water, and more. Crysalli is dedicated to helping cafes, coffee shops, and restaurants optimize their cold beverage offerings.

Crysalli's dispensers are specially engineered for simplicity, consistency, and customization. Key features include:

  • Sleek, modern designs
  • Built-in refrigeration keeps cold brew chilled below 45°F
  • Integrated nitro system infuses drinks with tiny nitrogen bubbles
  • Easy dispensing
  • Modular design for multiple spout configurations

Crysalli offers dispensers in a range of sizes and styles to suit any business. Compact countertop units are perfect for small cafes with limited space. Larger units maximize pouring capacity for high-volume locations. Options include custom tap handles, multiple tap configurations, free-standing, built-in, or countertop, and more.

Crysalli dispensers consistently ensure delicious cold brew and nitro coffee drinks every day.

Specialty dispensing systems like the Crysalli tap system provide the control and customization needed for cafes to capitalize on cold brew and nitro trends. With the ability to mix flavors, and incorporate nitrogen at the point of dispense, Crysalli allows baristas to craft a diverse range of cold brew and nitro recipes on demand. As consumer interest evolves, the flexibility of this equipment will enable cafes to keep up with emerging preferences and innovation in cold coffee. The future looks bright for continued expansion of the cold brew and nitro coffee market, with dispensing systems like Crysalli at the leading edge.


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